Enjoy the Best Riding Summer Camp in Spain with Sotogrande Camps
Are you lloking for the Best Riding Summer Camp in Spain? If you have a kid that loves to ride, you are most likely able to coordinate 1 or 2 lessons a week on a regular basis. You may have watched how your child has developed skills over the weeks and months they have been working with a trainer or coach, however, attending one the best equestrian camps can help your child develop skills more rapidly given the quantity and frequency of the lessons. And, the other aspects of camp life that make camp fun can further a child’s overall skill development. The rhythm of camp life may also allow your child to absorb more of the learning opportunities offered.
Who is this camp for?
For horse lovers the search for the perfect Summer Camp often requires a search for the most amazing equestrian centres. Catering to riders of all levels, from beginners to the most competitive riders in the world. Talent Academy Sotogrande Camps offers students the best programme of Spanish language tuition combined with horse riding lessons in one of Spain´s finest equestrian centres. The mix of camp life near the sea, lovely weather and horseback riding can put campers in such a relaxed frame of mind they are more open to learning.
Frequency of lessons
The frequency of lessons at summer camp allows for faster skill development and to building a daily rapport with a counsellor can help a child work through specific issues that have been hard for them to overcome. All the other fun of camp life puts your child’s body and brain in optimum learning mode, ready to absorb new lessons more easily.
It is undoubtedly true that weekly or even less frequent lessons will allow a child to develop skills and for considerations of time and/or money, this may be all that is possible. But it is important to remember that a child is learning all the time. They are sponges for information and with long periods between lessons, other things they have learned are competing for memory space. At summer camp with a focus on riding, campers ride more frequently, with less time to forget basic skills learned previously.
Enjoy horse riding
Horse riding is more than a sport…playtime, nature, friends, team, effort, challenges, much more. It’s that special relationship that develops between horse and rider, and it extends potently beyond the physical, cognitive touches, and immersed in a resounding emotional.
We are proud to ensure that the excellent quality of facilities and direct connection to the natural beauty of our region makes Sotogrande the perfect club for the horse lover to enjoy both equestrian sports as recreational riding.
Kids and Teens programmes are suitable for all abilities as they will assess their skills and match them with similar riders. Professional instructors provide coaching in indoor and outdoor arenas. The horse-riding lessons cover flatwork, jumping, dressage, and stable management.
Training by instructors of recognized prestige and experience, with formal training qualified. Individually and focused on achieving maximum performance and satisfaction by each student.
Talent Academy offers Dressage School, one of the best equestrian clubs in Andalucía.